Friday, March 25, 2011

A Break...

A LOT has been going on in the Alt family lately. Lots of changes and opportunities have come our way. Job changes and losses, learning to be new parents, and just coping with the every day bits of life. It can get overwhelming very quickly. When it got to be too much, (at the suggestion of a smart friend!) I said to Matt...

"We need to go to the Temple."

Although we're a few short weeks from actually going through the Temple and being sealed, I decided that we needed a getaway. We needed a few hours away from the world where we could go and think about our family, decisions, and the things coming our way.

So we packed up Bailey and hit the road on a Saturday morning. It was her first road trip, and she did pretty well!

Mommy where are we going? How far is it?

Over two hours?!?!

What will we do when we get there?
It was a beautiful day. Not too cold, but a little cloudy and breezy. We walked around the grounds, went to the visitors center and the bookstore.
It was the perfect escape. The message of the Cristus is so amazing, Matt calls it "the most powerful 90 seconds you'll ever experience." We took some time to get away from the world and just feel the Spirit. I am so grateful that we have a Temple close enough to go to, and that we get to go through this sacred building so very soon.

While there a passerby said to Matt, "Now there's a man who is proud to be a Daddy." It was so special to hear! :)

I am also pleased to announce that we are getting a new camera!! We turned in the one I got for Christmas and cashed in on the warrenty. It was ROUGH! So hopefully I can start taking some 'not blurry' pictures!


Our lives revolve around this little girl. Sorry if none of my posts have anything else exciting to say! We are just going on with life, and loving every minute that we get to love on Miss Bailey.

At the end of February (Bailey was almost 3 months old) someone gave us a spare activity center. We thought it would be fun to put B in and see what she thought of it.

This was her initial reaction:

Once we propped her up, this is what we got!

1- I guess I can handle this...
2- Waaaaaaaaaah, Where's my BINKY?! :(
3- Do I even fit in this thing?!
4- Me: Bailey SMILE for Mommy!! B: Why are you making that face?!

She still isn't a big fan of the activity center... but LOVES her swing and jumperoo! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The season changes in Virginia are just plain weird. Some days it's 30* and snowing... the next day it's 76* and sunny. We had an awesome warm day in the middle of February, so I took advantage of it. I took a vacation day and spent it at the park with the munchkin!

Can't forget about our first baby girl!
She came to the park to play too :)

Mommy... what is this outside business? And is that a BUG?!

Happy Girl

We are so lucky to have such a happy baby!

I just though this picture was too cute not to share. :)

Funny Faces

Bailey is so expressive!!! I love seeing the little faces she makes.

My awesome hubby got me a Flip for Valentine's Day and I love it! The quality of video is awesome for such a tiny little thing. And my favorite part, I can take snapshots out of the video! Typically you miss the cute faces they make as soon as you pull out the camera, but with a Flip I catch all of the funny ones.

On a side note- he also got me these for Valentine's Day!
I haven't taken them off since! Good job baby. :)

Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day was quite interesting. Since we're both busy and tired, and Valentine's Day was a Monday, we decided to celebrate on Saturday! We took Bailey to Short Pump and walked around for a few hours (also going to the new Hobby Lobby!) and then went to Mama Cuchinas for dinner.

The food was absolutely divine. UNTIL... two hours later, when we both got food poisoning.
Quite the unpleasant end to our Valentine's Celebration.

But at least we have this cutie patootie to put a smile on our faces even when we're sick!

I don't think Bailey was too sure about her knew hat... or Grammy.
I call that her what the heck face! :)

Bailey's Blessing

We blessed Bailey on February 6th.

It was so wonderful to have my sweet husband bless our baby girl. I've never been more proud of him! It was an amazing day with awesome food and great company! I am so grateful for the way my life has gone and the support we have!

Levi Walsh got blessed the same day!
He is four days younger than Bailey and almost twice her size!

She needed a nap after all of the commotion.

Ew Mom and Dad- GROSS!!
We love our Baby B! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bailey Is Growing!

Believe it or not... our tiny little girl is actually growing. (I know, hard to tell right!?)

It's a proven fact that the fat content is different for every mommy's milk. So I have decided that I just produce skim! She is anywhere from the 5th to the 10th percentile. But I'm sure she'll catch up eventually. Or just be a small girl! We're okay either way, as long as she's healthy.

I found these awesome stickers on Etsy. I could spent buckets of money there... :)

We Love To Shop!

My little punkin is just like her mama... she LOVES to shop! We've never had a shopping trip where she's not happy as a clam- just chilling in her stroller. I think we are in for trouble!

I decided I wanted to get a cute floppy hat for her for when we go outside or to the pool this summer. I don't know if I'll be able to find one that fits! (0-3mo)

Think it will fit by summer!? :)

I hope she grows into it soon!

King Sized

I will get caught up. I will get caught up. I will get caught up!

Having a new baby makes blogging fairly low on my list of priorities.
Usually I'd rather snuggle my munchkin when I can rather than play on the computer.

But I WILL GET CAUGHT UP! Eventually.

Before I came back to work, I wanted to have Bailey's nursery done.
I didn't quite get it finished but I did get a lot of it done.
Here is my cutie pie in her crib!

It's like a King Sized bed for baby!

Isn't that just he cutest little bottom shot?!?! Oh my I love my girlie!

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