Sunday, April 1, 2012

Miss Personality

This week started out a little rough. Poor Bailey is cutting four molars at once and has been pretty darn cranky. So we had a few mornings with lots of cartoons and teddy bear snuggles :)



That and some Tylenol seemed to help a bit. Teething bites.

She has a habit of disappearing on me :) I end up wandering around the house hunting her down and listening for the giggles. This is where I found her on Monday...


One of the most fun things about being a mom and watching my baby grow up is seeing her little personality start to develop. While doing some spring cleaning, Bailey found a little summer hat from last year, (0-3 months and still fits!!) She wore it all day long and refused to take it off!


Every time the hat fell off, she brought it back to me to put back on her little head. It was precious to see her communicating and doing something just because she wanted to.

She also developed a taste for chocolate pudding :)


PS. Do you see the HAIR?!?! We're finally getting some hair here people!! It is a miracle :)

We're glad to have Daddy home for a few days and are looking forward to enjoying conference! Happy weekend <3
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