Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekend Fun

I had the bright idea to try to earn some extra money at work. We own 13 properties in Richmond and whenever there are fliers that need to be posted, employees can do it for a little extra moolah. It's 13 cents a flier, which doesn't sound like a lot, but where there's 780 units on a property... it adds up. Unfortunately, I bit off a wee more than I could chew. I signed Matt and I up to do THREE PROPERTIES today! Yikes... although making $300 in a few hours sounds fantastic, about the 340th staircase we climbed my legs were screaming at me and threatening to go get in the car and leave me on the third floor of the complex. It was raining and about 42 degrees. =/ Yuck!!! I'm sorry to say, halfway through the third property, we gave up! I will have to forfeit about $50, but it was so worth it to go get a hot chocolate and take a bubble bath!

When we got home, we decided to do some MAJOR packing. We are moving in ONE WEEK! This time next Saturday we'll be getting ready to go to sleep in our new apartment for the first time! We're so excited. But boy is packing a chore! Who knew we'd collected so much junk in the last two years. The night we moved in, we sat on the floor eating Chinese take-out with chopsticks watching our ancient tv (which was also on the floor- and has since exploded and been replaced)! Our mattress was old and also on the floor, and our only furniture was a $25 yard sale find of a kitchen table and Matt's military trunk. Now we have so much STUFF!! I guess that's what happens when you get married. I can't help but wonder if we'll ever use all four fondue pots we have haha. It was a pretty successful night though. Matt's family came and helped for a few hours. We've got about 80% of our stuff packed. Now to navigate all the boxes while we try to survive here for another week. We had a very productive Saturday! I am really looking forward to Sunday. We're taking a "Strengthening Marriage" class at church and tomorrow night's class is on Communication. Hopefully it goes well. I know Matt certainly doesn't have any issues with communicating! :)

They packed me!!

Umm... who's going to help me out of here?
(I seriously need to hit the tanning bed, yikes!

This is Jake's version of "helping".

I got to babysit my ADORABLE niece Isabelle this week. She is getting so big and I absolutely adore spending time with this little sweetheart. Her favorite thing to say is "wha dat?" and she calls Matt "Pat". She has 8 teeth and has moved right from walking to running all over the place. She is getting so big so quick, and she is such a joy to be around. I have never been around a happier baby! I can't believe that it was 14 short months ago that I held her little tiny 8lb self the day she came into the world. Now she's growing up into such a fantastic little toddler. Uh-oh, I think I'm starting to get baby envy...
We went to the state fair a few weeks ago! :) I finally got the memory card out of the camera, so I thought I'd share. It was fun, but raining. And now that the fair has been moved to the new fair grounds, there was a LOT of walking to do. I think my favorite part was the corn-dog, cotton candy and apple cider! ( and my hair's getting long again, yay!)


  1. four fondue pots?? yard sale time girl!!! and no tanning beds for you!! icky bad!!

  2. cant wait to see pictures of the new place! man i would have given up on the fliers too and probably a whole lot earlier than you did.

  3. how did I miss this post??? LOVE IT! Love the pics, love the info, love it all. Can't wait to move too, and we'll finally be super close again instead of having to drive forever to see each other hahah :) xo

    PS, I want a fondue pot-mine is tiny. I'll accept it as a regift for Christmas. hahahha


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