What To Expect, Baby Center & The Bump
Can't seem to agree on how big Baby Girl is this week!
She is moving up a storm and I just have to say... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the little baby kicks! The 'quickening' or 'flutters' lasted for all of a week or two, next came the full-blown kicks! Miss B* is quite an active little girl and likes making herself known to Mommy and Daddy!
Matt got to feel her move for the first time last week :) :) It was so special. Now each night he kisses her goodnight and she kicks him in the face. They already have a special bond. :)
We love our little girl!!! If I didn't have SO MUCH to do, I'd say "December can't get here fast enough!" Maybe once we're 'ready'. Are you ever really ready? I'll settle for having a crib mattress. :)
Awww I know how it is to want the baby to be here so fast. I was like that with them all. This time it seems to be flying by.